Select Presentations and Publications

Nartey, M.  “The Arc of Feminism Bends Towards Empowerment: Applying New Conceptual Models in Ghana and Beyond,” Keynote Speaker, Global Health and Innovation Conference, Yale University, April 2020

Nartey, M.  “Applications of Interdisciplinary Climate Science,” Panelist, Columbia University, April 2020

Nartey, M.  “AND is the New Feminism,” Opening Keynote, International Women’s Day, Girl’s Academic Leadership Academy (GALA), March 2020

Nartey, M.  “Back, In, Out, and Forward: Uncovering the Pathway to Becoming Who You Were Meant to Be,” Closing Keynote, California Association of Realtors’ WOMANUP Conference, Coronado, CA October 2019

Nartey, M. and McKegney, D. “An Innovative Career Transition and Identity Adaptation Model for Athletes,” Tenth International Conference on Sport and Society, Ryerson University, Canada, June 2019

Nartey, M.  “How to Play When the Score is Tight,” Keynote Speaker, NCAA Division III Week, Occidental College, April 2019

Nartey, M. “Dynamics of Climate and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Guest Speaker, Loyola Marymount University, April 2017

 Nartey, M. “Social Justice and Christianity" August 2016, Church of the Beach Cities, El Segundo, CA

 Nartey, M.  “Knowing How To Know" Commencement Address, June 2016, St. Bernard High School, Los Angeles, CA

 Nartey, M.  “African Women's Soccer and Empowerment: Memoirs of a Black Queen” TEDxOccidental, April 2016, Pasadena, CA

 Nartey, M.  "Re-conceptualizing Women’s Empowerment and Health in Ghana” American Public Health Association, November 2014, New Orleans, LA

 Nartey, M.  “Identity, Ethics, and Environmental Justice” 2014 Global Green Business Week for Young Leaders, July 13, 2014, UCLA Anderson School of Business, Los Angeles, CA

 Nartey, M.  “Conceptualizing Empowerment and Health in Ghana” 2014 Symposium on Gender Equity and Reproductive Health, March 19-21, 2014, UC-San Diego, San Diego, CA

 Nartey, M.  “African Education” 2014 Comparative International Education Society’s Western Regional Conference, November 7, 2013, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

 Nartey, M.  “Dynamics of Climate and Women’s Health in sub-Saharan Africa,” University of Miami Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, April 2013, Miami, FL

 Nartey, M.  “UCLA School of Public Health Diversity Coordination Team:  A Collaborative Approach to Increasing Diversity,” The California Wellness Foundation Conference on Increasing Diversity in the Health Professions June 2010, San Francisco, CA

 Nartey, M.  “Conflict and the Paradox of Change”, 5th Annual African Studies Graduate Student Symposium Keynote Address on “Re-presenting Conflict in Africa”, May 2010, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

 Nartey, M.  “Climate and Women’s Health in sub-Saharan Africa” Southeast Regional Seminar on African Studies, September 2008, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

 Nartey, M.  “African Women’s Soccer and Nationalism:  Memoirs of a Black Queen” UCLA African Studies Conference on Soccer, Nationalism and Globalization, Spring 2006.

Nartey, M.  “Interventions for Families Affected by HIV”: Translational Behavioral Medicine, Volume 1, Number 2, 313-326, May 2011 (co-author)

 Nartey, M.  “Temperatures Rising: Four Essays on a Theme” published in Lee, J. and S. Shaw (2011) Women Worldwide: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Women, McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY

 Nartey, M.  “Temperatures Rising:  Understanding the Potential Socio-Climatic Impacts of Climate Change on Women”: Women and the Environments International Magazine (founded at UN Habitat Conference in 1976) No. 74/75 – Spring/Summer 2007

 Nartey, M.  “Selective Killing of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum by a benzylthiazolium dye”: Experimental Parasitology, Volume 116, Issue 2, June 2007, Pages 103-110. (co-author)